Enabling question, 221 |
Endurance, 57 |
Entry and exit strategies, 149160 |
Equity curve, 162163, 187188 |
Euphoria, 121 |
Eureka experience, 67 |
Exit strategies, 149160 |
Expectations, 90, 95 |
Expected outcome, 178180 |
Experience of losing everything, 9192 |
Faith, 3540 |
Fatal error, 147 |
Fear, 43, 5860, 67, 8796, 120 |
Feeling of certainty, 24, 27, 83 |
Feeling of significance, 26 |
59 rules (trading scenario), 84 |
Flexibility, 8185 |
Forgiveness, 100 |
Fortitude, 5657 |
45-period moving average, 146 |
Franklin, Benjamin, 97, 119 |
Fundamental analysis strategies, 203207 |
Gambling, 193 |
General rules, 4950 |
Gide, André, 35 |
GO (game), 33, 68, 129 |
Good/bad equity curves, 163 |
Greenspan, Alan, 29 |
Gretz, Frank, 149 |
Hannibal, 37 |
Hayden, Frank, 111, 121, 136 |
Hite, Larry, 209 |
Holy grail, 69, 11, 12, 60 |
Honesty, 7980 |
Hysteria, 206 |
Imagination, 29 |
Immutable truths, 78 |
In the zone, 18, 22, 115, 123 |
Indecision, 103107 |
Information sources, 214, 225228 |
Ingersoll, R.G., 55 |
Ingredients for success, 4 |
Integrity, 17, 21, 7780 |
Internal environment, 4 |
Internet resources, 225227 |
Internet Web sites, 226227 |
"Into wishing," 6465 |
Intuition, 6371 |
Johnson, Samuel, 77 |
Jones, Paul Tudor, 87 |
Kissing, 2324 |
Knowledge, 116, 122 |
Kovner, Bruce, 41 |
Kroc, Ray, 66 |
Learned helplessness, 105106 |
Learning, 122123 |
Learning from experience, 200 |
Length of time to master trading skills, 213216 |
Let profits run and cut losses short, 185 |
Life expectancy (commodity traders), 32 |
Limit move risk, 169 |
Liquidity, 174175 |
Liquidity risk, 169 |
Livermore, Jessie, 10 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 3 |
Lose-to-succeed ratio, 5, 10 |
Losing everything, 9192 |
Losing trades, series of, 168, 175 |
Losses, 109117 |
Louis, Joe, 3 |
Low-volatility markets, 166 |
Marcus, Michael, 8, 55 |
Margin, 191, 193 |
Margin-to-equity ratio, 191 |
Market, 130 |
Market consensus (see Determining market consensus) |
Market diversification, 172173 |
Maximum drawdown, 180182 |
McCall, Richard, 214215 |
Meditation, 33, 68 |
Mental exercise, 68 |
Mental flexibility, 8185 |
Metaphors, 153155 |
Methodology diversification, 173175 |
Moment in time, 1819, 202 |
Money management strategies, 161195 |
counterview of risk management, 193194 |
diversification, 170175 |
drawdown of equity, 180182 |
essence of money management, 163164 |
factors affecting risk, 164166 |
how much to risk, 187193 |
importance of risk control, 162 |
liquidity, 174175 |
profitability, 178185 |
profitability theory, 185187 |
protective stops, 176178 |
rewardto-risk ratio, 182184 |
risk profile (factors to consider), 195 |
types of risk, 167169 |
volatility, 165166, 175 |
what to do, 194 |
Moral norms, 79 |
Moving averages, 145146 |
Multiple time frames, 159 |
Murphy's law, 185 |