Accepting responsibility, 60, 121, 123 |
Advertising, 93 |
Advisory service, 5960 |
Airplane pilot (analogy), 37 |
Allocation by diversification, 191192 |
Allocation of number of contracts, 192193 |
Anger, 95, 97101, 122 |
Anxiety, 58 |
Approach-avoidance conflict, 106 |
Aurelius, Marcus, 73 |
Avoidable risk, 167 |
Bad/good equity curves, 163 |
Baldwin, Tom, 73 |
Barnum, P.T., 10 |
Baruch, Bernard, 3, 10, 13, 63, 77, 109, 127, 128, 197, 213 |
Bear/bull perspective, 133135 |
Bear market, 131, 133, 135 |
Bearish divergence, 138139, 144 |
Beliefs, 2131, 122123, 215216, 219 |
Bid/ask spread, 175 |
Bielfeldt, Gary, 47 |
Bull/bear perspective, 133135 |
Bull market, 131133, 135 |
Bullish divergence, 138139, 144 |
Burrill, Middleton, 128 |
Candlesticks, 130 |
Cardwell, Andrew, Jr., 136, 139 |
Castroviejo, Christopher R., 161 |
Certainty, 40 |
Changing beliefs, 2731 |
Charts, 159 |
Childhood, 23 |
Comparison table (vices/virtues), 223 |
Computer-based trading system, 209212 |
Conclusion, 217221 |
Confidence, 4145 |
Conscious mind, 1416, 21 |
Consistent profits, 119124 |
Continuity of thought, 3738, 113, 128, 130, 131, 135, 147 (See also Determining market consensus) |
Contrast, 28 |
Controlling anger, 100 |
Controlling fear, 9596 |
Conviction, 25 |
Correlation, 170172 |
Courage, 5561 |
Daily charts, 159 |
''Date with Destiny," 214 |
Decisions, 200 |
Dennis, Richard, 41, 43 |
Determining market consensus, 127148 |
divergences, 138, 144145 |
moving averages, 145146 |
operating modes, 131135 |
past information, 147 |
price movement, 129130 |
range shift, 139140 |
resistance, 129 |
RSI, 136143 |
support, 129 |
trend lines, 136 |
Disappointment, 90 |
Discipline, 12, 17, 19, 21, 32, 33, 4753, 96 |
Disempowering beliefs, 121 (See also Vices) |
Divergences, 138, 144145 |
Diversification, 170173, 191192 |
Dominant force, 129 |
Double bottom (trading scenario), 5051 |
Doubt, 103107 |
Down-trending markets, 139 |
Drawdown, 180182 |
E-mail lists, 214, 225 |
Edison, Thomas, 37 |
Ego, 1422, 32 |
Egoist/egotism, 14, 32 |
Einstein, Albert, 63 |
Elephant trainers (India), 105 |
Emotional control, 12 |
Empowering beliefs (see Virtues) |
Empowering questions, 220 |