Fibonacci retracement levels, 46, 47 |
First few years of trading, 234, 235 |
Fisher, David Hackett, 32 |
4% system, 221 |
Franklin, Victor, 10 |
Freaking out, 138, 139 |
Frequently asked questions (FAQs), 137-145 |
Fundamentals, 249, 250 |
Future market trends, 26, 69, 70 |
Futures and Options Factors (Wasendorf), 241 |
Futures exchanges, 68 |
Futures trader, 95-118 |
Futures Truth, 121, 122 |
Gambler, 61 |
Genetic algorithm, 196 |
Gold, 31 |
Granville, Joe, 120 |
Great Wave, The(Fisher), 32 |
Hard work, 154 |
Hayes, Woody, 67 |
Hedge funds, 142, 162, 163 |
Herd mentality, 145, 153, 209 |
Historical testing vs. real-time trading, 105 |
Household employment, 190 |
How I made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market (Darvas), 120 |
I'm right, but the market is wrong syndrome, 176 |
Illiquid markets, 108 |
Implied volatility, 57 |
Indicators, 39-47, 123-125 |
acceleration, 45 |
directional movement index, 42 |
employment, 189, 190 |
Fibonacci retracement levels, 46, 47 |
momentum, 45 |
moving averages, 40, 150 |
parabolic, 46 |
relative strength index (RSI), 43, 44 |
stochastics, 43, 44 |
24-hour trading, 142 |
Industry loss statistics, 153, 229 |
Inflation, 31, 32 |
Instinet, 130 |
Intellectual skills, 7 |
Intermarket analysis, 153 |
Internet, 200, 201, 205 |
(See also On-line trading, Web sites) |
Island, 130 |
Kaz, Sid, 1-15 |
Kelly formula, 98, 99, 109, 111 |
Kelsey, Mark, 233-239 |
Know the products you're trading, 178 |
Know whey your are wrong, 160 |
Ko, Allen, 120 |