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/Software/@Math & Statistica/Mathworks MatLab Books/Библиотека книг по пакету MATLAB & Simulink/_m-files/
Chen K., Dzhiblin P., Irving A. (_Chen K., et al_) MATLAB v matematicheskix issledovaniyax. m-files.zip88.0 K09.11.2010 12:55:20
Do D.D. Adsorption analysis.. Equilibria and kinetics. Companion CD (Matlab programs) (ICP, 1998, 128 pp.).rar128.3 K09.11.2010 12:55:20
Levi A.F.J. Applied Quantum Mechanics - CDROM Matlab files.rar51.0 K09.11.2010 12:55:20
Mathews J.H., Fink K.D. Numerical Methods using MATLAB (m-files all eds).rar342.5 K09.11.2010 12:55:30
MATLAB Tutorials (Department of Mathematics in Southern Illinois University at Carbondale)(m-files).zip35.4 K09.11.2010 12:55:20
Moler C. Numerical Computing with MATLAB (2005)(en)(.m Files).rar246.6 K09.11.2010 12:55:46
Robinson J.C. An introduction to ODE (.m files).rar127.7 K09.11.2010 12:55:20

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