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/Software/!_2011-2022 Years/Sentient Trader Intraday v3.0.5.54 (Trader Edition), (Nov 2014), $2875, ( Hickson – Working with Sentient Trader/Working Intraday/
An Introduction to working Intraday10.02.2017 14:40:09
Applying a custom nominal model10.02.2017 14:40:15
Creating the Daily chart10.02.2017 14:40:18
Intraday conclusion10.02.2017 14:40:44
Introduction10.02.2017 14:40:27
Refining the Analysis10.02.2017 14:40:12
The 15-minute, 5-minute and 1-minute charts10.02.2017 14:40:03
The 4-hour and 1-hour charts10.02.2017 14:40:21

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