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Page 314 50. Time, "The New Philanthropists," July 24, 2000, page 50. 51. Jack Schwager, Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989), page 193. 52. Money, September 22, 1987, page 32. 53. Wall Street Journal, "Steinhardt to Close His $2.6 Billion Funds," Laura Jereski, page 11. 54. Wall Street Journal, "Odyssey Is Dissolving $3 Billion Firm," January 13, 1997, page B4. 2 Unofficial Reasons for Retirement1. Wall Street Journal, "Tiger Funds Go Prowling for a Partner," Laura Jereski, June 30, 1997, page 11. 2. CNNfn, "Another Soros Goodbye," June 2, 2000. 3. MAR/Hedge, "Turning Point—Asset Size versus Performance," June 1994, page 6. 4. John Bogle, Common Sense on Mutual Funds (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999), page 99. 5. ibid., page 100. 6. ibid., page 264. 7. ibid., page 168. 8. Fraser Seitel, Emerald Partners, Infovest21 Conference, June 8, 2000. 9. Wall Street Journal, "Steinhardt to Shutter His Hedge Fund," October 12, 1995, page C1. 10. Robert Slater, Soros: The Life, Times and Trading Secrets of the World's Greatest Investor (Burr Ridge, IL and New York, NY: Irwin, 1996), page 155. 11. ibid., page 156 12. Wall Street Journal, "George Soros Alters His Style, Making a Role for Son Robert," June 16, 2000, page C1. 13. ibid. 14. MAR/Hedge median benchmarks, www.marhedge.com. 3 Overview of the Hedge Fund Industry1. MAR/Hedge, "Good News—and Bad—for Hedge Funds," October 1999, page 1. 2. MAR/Hedge, "Hedge Fund Fever Comes to Europe," February 1998, page 1. 3. Infovest21 Conference, September 7, 2000, New York City. 4. MAR/Hedge, March 1999, page 44. 5. MAR/Hedge, June 2000, page 39. |
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