Trades Taken |
Risk-adjusted returns with portfolio considerations |
Role of United States |
Varies, but typically about 35 percent |
Role of Technology |
Fair amount of exposure; technology companies are prime issuer of convertible products in United States and Japan |
Role of Private Equity |
Limited amount of late-stage private equity in Baystar, private placement fund |
Role of Macro |
None |
Allocates to Other Managers |
No |
Risk Management |
Net Exposure |
Shorts are 70 to 90 percent as big as the longs |
Hedge Ratio |
5 to 10 percent |
Hedging Technique |
Arbitrage |
Maximum Leverage |
1.5:1 to 7:1 |
Memorable Loss |
1998 |
Risk Management |
Diversify by strategy and geography; use investment grade product when necessary; Maximum risk per position is 2 percent for risk arbitrage and 3 percent for convertible arbitrage |
Background Information |
Initial Spark |
High school |
Professional Background |
Lawyer |
Education |
Brown University; Harvard Law School |
Motivation/Satisfaction |
Solving a puzzle; finding something the market misses |
Age |
45 |
Free Time |
Children, sports |